

The new provisional deadline for final briefs in the Ratko Mladic case is 3 October 2016, the judges said at the status conference today. The definitive date will be set once the pending issues related to Mladic’s defense case have been dealt with

Bakone Moloto, judge at the TribunalBakone Moloto, judge at the Tribunal

At a status conference in the case against the former VRS Main Staff commander Ratko Mladic, Judge Moloto set the new provisional deadline for final briefs: 3 October 2016. The definitive date will be set once all the pending issues related to evidentiary matters have been dealt with.

The prosecution wants to know when the remaining evidentiary issues will be dealt with. One of the issues is whether or not Russian colonel Andrey Demurenko will ever come back to The Hague to complete his testimony begun in mid-June, and the possible evidence of Jasmin Odobasic from the BH Commission for Missing Persons. It has been unclear whether he will come testify for quite some time.

August 16 was mooted at the status conference today as the possible date for Demurenko’s testimony to resume. It is unclear whether the Russian colonel will indeed complete his evidence. He cut his evidence short suddenly in the middle of his cross-examination less than a month ago.

The public will likely get more details about the future course of Mladic’s defense case through written submissions of the parties and the decision of the Chamber, expected in the two weeks before the summer recess. In the meantime, Judge Moloto concluded the proceedings in the case against Ratko Mladic sine die, until further notice.
