

The accused has asked the Trial Chamber to schedule a status conference to discuss his health which has deteriorated recently. Karadzic wants to talk about the general conditions in the Detention Unit and how they affect the increasingly poor health of the detainees as well as the prosecution's failure to disclose evidence on time

Radovan Karadzic in the courtroomRadovan Karadzic in the courtroom

While he awaits the judgment, slated for the end of 2015, Radovan Karadzic has filed a new motion for a status conference where the parties and the judges would discuss his health, general conditions in the Detention Unit and the prosecution’s latest violations of the disclosure obligation.

In May 2105, the Trial Chamber dismissed a similar motion filed by the accused. Karadzic has waited 120 days before filing a new motion. In line with the Tribunal’s rules, status conferences should be scheduled every 120 days during the trial and the appellate proceedings.

Karadzic provides the same reasons: high blood sugar levels, overall anxiety because of the poor health of the Tribunal’s detainees and the prosecution’s latest failures to disclose evidence on time. Karadzic also notes that since 18 August 2015 he has been in pain, his balance has been disturbed and he is fatigued. The causes of those problems have not yet been diagnosed. Karadzic wants to be examined by a specialist in order to see what is wrong with him. He hasn’t been seen by a specialist since his arrival in the Tribunal’s Detention Unit seven years ago.

Karadzic proposes that the status conference be held either on 28 or on 29 September 2015.
